One of our most economical architectural finishes. White sand, white aggregate and white cement. Sample shown has a light and medium sandblast finish.

Grey cement, white cement and flyash with 1/2% color

Limestone and Knippa aggregate, within 200 miles... still considered local.

Limestone and Knippa aggregate, within 200 miles... still considered local.

One concrete mix with two finishes, retarder and sandblasting.

One concrete mix with two finishes, retarder and sandblasting.

One concrete mix with two finishes, retarder and sandblasting.

One concrete mix with two finishes, retarder and sandblasting.

One mix with two different levels of sandblasting

Another example, call us and we can assist you in developing a concrete mix design to meet your specific needs.

Red or pink... we don't like it, but we'll work with you to come up with a solution to meet your needs.

Using Fabrino technology we can print your image, your design on concrete.

One of the most cost effective options if you are looking for brick and a complimentary architectural concrete mix

6" wide reveals, 3/4" deep, as cast gray concrete with field applied heavy texture coating. One of the most economical architectural finishes for your project.

Architectural Finish with Projection on Face; pigmented concrete with sandblast finish and brick

Flat panels with use of formliner and reveal. As cast or with architectural concrete mix.

Random horizontal bands with various depths and lengths. Architectural concrete mix with sandblasted finish.

We can cast in medallion's or text for your signage to meet your design requirements.

3-d projection formliner

3-d form projections and two concrete mixes in one panel

Architectural concrete mix design with reveals and formliner.

Gray as cast concrete with field applied coating.

We don't recommend this process, however we will work to accommodate your request if you are looking to match an existing full bed depth brick.

We are an AC and C4 PCI Certified Plant. As of 10/1/2021, AC replaced A1 architectural certification. As we have been doing for years, we can provide several features that fall under the new AA or AB certification, including 3-d form projections, two colors in one panel, etc. Call us to discuss what you are thinking. We can probably save you substantial dollars if you are local to the Houston market!